Calm down my babies . . . EB didn't forget to have something special for youse.
It's a beautiful day here in Valley. Midweek - it's been productive and there are no complaints yet.
I'm getting very jazzed for the inaugural show this 4th of July. I hope each of you have the time blocked out for ya - if you're unable to listen to it on the cyberspace you can call in and listen to it on the phone. Find a way to be a part of the LIVE experience because it will not disappoint! You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll want to punch your grandma in the throat . . . (what's that? - - Noo. - - Oh come on they know I'm jus. . . . - - - OK).
Boy the First has always been big for his age. When I say big I'm not trying to pleasantly call him fat. No - he's always been taller, stronger, faster than his contemporaries. As such - we've had to teach him how to play kinder with his friends so that he won't accidentally send them to the hospital. Well - he's done such a good job with that - that one of his friends, who is the same age but smaller often will find some lame excuse to punch Boy the First - in the face.
Usually Boy the First takes it and lets it roll off his back. This time though the little kid caused some pain to the Boy the First and he came in crying. I think I've done my job in teaching the boy that it's not okay for him to go around bullying other kids because he can, and he may actually be a bit more timid than he needs to be - anyway. . . I told Boy the First to tell his friend that the next time his friend punches him - he'll punch him back, as hard as he can. The Squaw doesn't like that - and I can appreciate that. But my boy needs to also know that he doesn't need to become the punching bag to his diminutive friend. So the warning has been put out there - I hope Boy the First doesn't ever have to punch his friend back - but sometimes you just have to learn the hard way. . .
I'm kinda glad I don't have to think about things like this yet. Quite a conundrum. Fill us in on the story if Boy #1 ever has to hit his friend back. (Who the heck is this other kid anyway? Not cool to hit your friends anyway, but IN THE FACE?! Little punk!)
You are right, EB. That kid has to learn that it's not cool to go around hitting people. Sometimes, the only way to convey something like that is to demonstrate, unfortunately. Hopefully BTF will be fast as lightning and grab the fist before it lands. Then he can give it the wrist a good hard twist while reminding his assailant not to do it again!
Agreed. Of course your lovely wife is going to say she doesn't like it.. but she's the mom. She has to put up that "voice of reason". But secretly inside she's glad you told him that. Nobody wants to see there kid get jacked up.
Damn straight he oughta hit back. Tell the little pecker he'll die three times before he hits the ground.
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